Eyalet: Aziza Othmana, The Birth of a Myth


Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 6:00pm to 8:00pm


Tunisia Office Center for Middle Eastern Studies Harvard Université Immeuble Slim, Rue de l’Euro, Les jardins du Lac II, Tunis

CMES Tunisia  presents Eyalet. 

Eyalet is a monthly discussion series presenting the work of historians of Ottoman Tunisia. Discussions are prepared and moderated by Youssef Ben Ismail, PhD candidate at Harvard University. 

The inaugural discussion is entitled: Princess Aziza Othmana, The Birth of a Myth 

Our guest for the inaugural discussion will be :
Pr. Leila Temime Blili, Professor of Ottoman History at the University of Tunis.

Discussion will be around the figure of Aziza Othmana, Ottoman princess of Seventeenth Century Tunisia.


Aziza Othmana-Affiche

See also: 2018-19